Transforming Data into Actionable Intelligence


Ascend Digital’s suite of Intelligent Digital Transformation Solutions was designed to solve data extraction challenges, automate non-routine, manual business processes and unlock the value of data by providing key business insights. We partner with you to provide all of the digital transformation strategy and expertise needed to design, implement, and support your digital solutions so that you can continue to focus on your core business.

What We Solve

Ascend Digital’s bespoke, intelligent digital transformation solutions were designed to solve data and content extraction challenges, automate non-routine, manual business processes and unlock the value of data by providing key business insights with predictive and cognitive analytics. Bespoke doesn’t mean start new, customized, or costly to support. Ascend Digital combines High-Performance Computing, proprietary AI, Machine Reasoning, Constraint Solvers, Human-in-the-Loop Continuous Learning, and client-specific User Interfaces to unlock the value of data no matter your company’s level of data maturity and artificial intelligence expertise.

Intelligent Unstructured Data Extraction & Processing

Ascend Digital’s solution intelligently extracts unstructured, highly variable data and delivers accurate, structured digital records that are ready for further processing. We understand why combinations of OCR and RPA, BPM, DPA technologies, as well as no-code, low code platforms fail to deliver intended results. Ascend combines proprietary AI, machine reasoning, constraint solvers and Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) continuous learning to extract, reformat, and cleanse unstructured, non-unified data from any source of knowledge to deliver accurate, digital records based upon your specific requirements.

Digital Infrastructure & Data, Systems Migration

Digital infrastructure to store, access, process, and transform data for consumption by AI and ML algorithms.  Ascend delivers digital infrastructure designed to enable high volume, real-time data processing and analytics while securely storing and protecting your proprietary data.

Our solutions support the migration of siloed and disparate data from legacy systems to your new digital system, so you can gain insights from your data without the expensive and time-consuming centralization of existing systems. Most importantly, Ascend Digital can help you transition from legacy to digital systems at your own pace, so you can transform legacy and digital data into actionable intelligence.

Intelligent Business Process Transformation

Ascend Digital’s intelligent, business process transformation solution reduces the time and effort spent on tactical, redundant, routine, and non-routine manual tasks. Our solution frees up time and empowers your people to focus on problem-solving. We help you identify anomalies, detect patterns, and automate manual, non-routine business processes to reduce operational costs, empower people and deliver improved customer experiences.

Ascend’s intelligent, business process transformation solution continuously learns and improves from the expert’s processing, enabling the transfer of their expertise into software that continues to optimize without disrupting the processing of data.

Hindsight to Insight to Foresight

Unlocking the value of your data begins with access to structured and accurate data records. Intelligent Digital transformation and automating business processes require infrastructure to enable high speed, real-time processing and querying of your data. Once a Company has access to structured, digital records, as well as infrastructure to access, store and process data, Ascend Digital can help you better understand what happened, why it happened, when it might happen again or what you can do to avoid it happening in the future.

Want To Learn More?

 Ascend Digital combines our proprietary AI technology and many years of experience delivering bespoke, digital transformation solutions to help companies no matter your level of data maturity or digital experience.